

Rick Wiles is the father of “citizen reporting.” He pioneered alternative media long before the arrival of blogs and podcasts. In May of this year, Trunews began its 18th consecutive year of news reporting. The program is heard on various internet outlets, six powerful worldband shortwave radio stations, and 150+ AM/FM affiliates accross the country. Trunews has an extremely loyal audience around the world. The program is 100% listener-supported. Trunews owns an 11,000 square foot office building in Vero Beach, FL where it produces the daily newscast. Guests include members of the US Congress, members of the European Parliament, members of the British Parliament, scientists, astronauts, climatologists, billionaires, investors, top-selling authors, and retired US generals. Respected guests include billionaire Jim Rogers, Swiss investor Marc Faber, EU Parliament member Nigel Farage, Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, retired US General Paul Vallely, retired US General Jerry Boykin, retired CIA special operations officer Clare Lopez, former NASA scientist John Casey, international businessman Simon Black, futurist Chris Martenson, obesity expert Dr. Robert Lustig, and Lord Christopher Monckton.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

With the debate over global warming being put on ice, Rick’s chilling interview with historian Geoffrey Parker will serve as today’s New Year’s Day encore program. Standing as one of the best interviews of 2013, Mr. Parker discusses catastrophe caused by the last little ice age and why the next could be significantly more disastrous.

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