Yes Music Podcast

One fan's exploration of the world's greatest progressive rock band

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News, 9012Live and Christmas Haul first glance – 207 - Yes Music Podcast

7 days ago
A brief look at the contents of my Christmas Yes Haul, a few bits of news and Mark's review of 9012 Live The Solos.

Who are the UK and Europe support act for Yes in 2016?

Does Mark lile 9012Live - The Solos??

How did I find the motivation to continue?

Listen to the episode and then let me know what you think!


Show notes and links

The 2015 Christmas Yes Haul!


Miguel Falcao's Chris Squire 'Christmas tree'

Miguel's latest bass cover - Into the Storm

Scott O'Reilly's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame blog post

Preston Frazier's Roundabout review

Preston's Best of 2015

@notrightaway spotted this Keyboard Magazine article

Moon Safari will be supporting Yes in the UK and Europe 2016

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Theme music

The music I use is the last movement of Stravinsky's Firebird Suite. This has been used as introduction music at many Yes concerts. My theme music is not take from a live concert - I put it together from the following two creative commons sources: thanvannispen and