
“OBO Radio: Heart of it All” with Erik Lawyer & Sheri Herndon - Religion

Join Firefighter and Founder of One Becoming One, Erik Lawyer, and his co-hosts as they focus on the key players who are busy
creating a world based in love that works for all. They will explore the science and power of love; new and sacred technologies,
social architectures and governance systems all designed to empower you and help us shift to love and unity.

Let's Discover Our True Wealth with Crystal Arnold

3 months ago
In a world driven by an out-moded economic paradigm of scarcity and still operating with the economic systems that keep us in not valuing our great personal and collective potential, we need to open ourselves up to the tools and practices for abundance on all levels. The phrase “True Wealth” is a powerful invitation to really ask ourselves about the different levels of ‘wealth’ in our lives – inner wealth, relational wealth, financial wealth and environmental wealth. Our guide today is the gifted and wise Crystal Arnold. Crystal is “the founder of Money-Morphosis and the Discover Your True Wealth Courses ( After graduating from Southern Oregon University in 2007 with a degree in international economics, she has designed and facilitated workshops, community events, and discussion panels about money. Her courses serve to illuminate the individual’s relationship with money and value. As a financial coach, she encourages people to live their potential.” Our conversation will be practical and illuminate for us new ways to access a deeper sense of self-worth and bring more clarity into the full spectrum relationship with the nature of money. We do this to open doorways for authentic breakthroughs around our relationship with money Let’s open ourselves up to a New Story about money, sacred economics and true wealth.

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