
The B&E Podcast: Where Artistry Meets Industry - Arts

Our aim is to discover how creatives can succeed in their chosen field while navigating their industry with integrity & authenticity as they do.

B&EP #008 - The Reward Of Taking Creative Risks

2 months ago
The B&E Podcast - Episode #008 "The Reward of Taking Creative Risks" SUMMARY OF THE PODCAST: We talk about "The Revenant" and how taking risks in art, even in a commercial industry, can be game changing. It might be scary and uncharted territory, but in the end you may just give people something they've never experienced before. POINT #1: "IT'S ALL ABOUT AN EXPERIENCE" -What is the experience that you want to translate to your audience? This is one of the biggest questions you need to answer in your art. It will direct you all the way to the end. POINT #2: "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD" -Making a choice for the sake of being interesting or shocking is usually a road to disaster. What are you trying to say and will your choices reflect that? POINT #3: "IT'S NOT ALWAYS EASY BUT IT MIGHT BE WORTH IT" -Sometimes your course of action will have inherent challenges from the outset, but your determination could lead to something brilliant. VALUABLE LINKS: - The Official Website - The Craft Brewery of Choice Today - The BC Film Academy - Acting School MENTIONS IN THIS PODCAST: Off The Rail Brewing Company

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