
Armed Lutheran Radio - Society

Faith, Firearms and Freedom. Armed Lutheran Radio offers commentary news, tips, gear and firearms reviews from a uniquely Lutheran perspective.

Episode 36 - Do Christians Have a Right to Self-Defense?

2 months ago

On this week's episode we discuss the goofy gnostic musings of a gay Presbyterian who thinks that Bible-believing Christians have no right to defend their lives, homes, or property.  A look at my violent allergy to jazz hands, and great tips from Sgt. Bill, Aaron, and Mia.

Mia's Motivations - Mia Anstine has advice for how to choose your next training course by evaluating what you hope to accomplish and what you want to learn.

Fundamental Defense - Aaron Israel's weekly self-defense tip is about learning to be a better problem-solver. The gun is a specific solution to a tiny subset of problems that we might face. Many of those problems can solved before the gun ever needs to come into play if you learn to avoid trouble, de-escalate, and learn from the mistakes of others.

Ballistic Minute - Sgt. Bill warns against becoming the "Gamer Guy," a type of shooter you've probably seen on the range and you should take pains to avoid emulating.

Clinging to God and Guns - Pastor John Bennett helps us debunk an article written by a gay Presbyterian at, who argues that the Bible can't be taken literally, but those who do should not own guns because we are spiritual being having a physical experience and the Bible warns us that possessions are not important, certainly not important enough to kill over. Or something.


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