
Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux - News

The logic of personal, philosophical and political freedom

FDR3448 Selling Yourself When Nobody Is Buying - Call In Show - October 7th, 2016

2 months ago
Question 1: [2:09] - “Is dating someone significantly younger than you immoral or abusive? Or is it fair and simply frowned upon by society for no good reason?”

Question 2: [28:24] - “I once heard Stefan say (paraphrasing) that peaceful parenting means never using your size or muscles for any kind of physical force over your child. I want to implement the non-aggression principle in my parenting, yet my daughter at 14 months is not old enough yet to have a conversation with let alone negotiate. How do I reconcile the non-aggression principle with a child who often doesn't want to let me feed her, bath her, change her diaper, etc.?”

Question 3: [1:32:30] - “I'm having a sales problem, and the product is myself. I'm a freelancer with a rare and valuable skill set in a tough field, and 2016 has seen a reversal of many of the gains I've made. 12 years in and I'm no longer certain of my business relationships and feel my market value has evaporated. Now mostly sidelined (except for a handful of accounts), I'm working as a courier to pay the bills. I fear I've been the indispensable side-kick to creative directors who don't have my level of technical expertise, but who have big personalities, and can sell. I don't want to be overshadowed. How do I sell as an introvert?”

“Also marketing departments seem to be increasingly female dominated. Could own-group preference in hiring be a factor. Have I made myself untouchable in some way to mostly female industry gatekeepers since I keep it professional, check my politics at the door, and eschew the Social Justice virtue signaling, stinking up my industry? How do I know when the market has spoken, and I should pack it in? What do I do when I can't even get reliable feedback, or straightforward answers about where I stand?”

Question 4: [2:21:09] - “I think Donald Trump would be a better president but suggest we should vote for Hillary Clinton on economic grounds. The elite, central banks, socialist and regulating interventionist busy bodies have push the global fiat financial system to a point beyond repair. There is little that Trump or anyone else can do at this point to unwind the mess. The president doesn’t have the power to make needed effective change, nor would the vested interests allow it if he did.”

“Additionally, Clinton’s policies will accelerate the collapse so that maybe we can get through it faster. Shouldn’t we let history record the failure under Hilary instead of during the term of a ‘businessman’? If not, it will be seen as a failure of capitalism even though its cause it the absence of a free market.”

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