
Get the Download - Tech / Podcasting

Great interviews with thought leaders in the downloadable media industry.

John Havens interviews John Federico the new ADM Membership Chair

8 years ago
Welcome to "Get the Download" from the Association for Downloadable Media. This episode is hosted by John Havens, VP of Business Development at BlogTalkRadio, and also a member of the ADM's Board of Advisors. In this episode John interviews John Federico, VP of Marketing at BlogTalkRadio, who was recently appointed the new ADM Membership Chair. This informative podcast provides an overview of the ADM: * What is the ADM? * Why was the ADM established? * Why join the ADM? * What plans does John have as the new Membership Chair? In addition, John Federico calls out to all listeners that the Membership Committee can use your help – if you'd like to volunteer, please contact him at [email protected]. Enjoy listening!

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