
Happy Valley Speak Easy Podcast - Comedy

Comedy, Comedy Sketches, Pop Culture Commentary, News Commentary

HVSE Episode 29

[CDATA[We open with Sesame Street, Spencer's Night Jazz Radio - i.e. REALLY BAD COLD, Hyrum's rant on bad music and TV before VHS, Golden Age of Cartoons - Animaniacs, Gummy Bears, - Total Drama Island SUCKS, Jeremy finally shows up after not getting any for weeks, Jeremy in the Panther mascot costume, Jeremy's Homecoming, Spencer makes a relevant reference, Spencer's Ross Mitchel's Coast to Cost AM open, Chumbawumba (nasty), Spencer's Polygamist encounter at Walmart, Bring out your tard day - "like an off switch", they bring back Ironside, CBS Sherlock Sucks, Government shut down, Politics with Jeremy - kind of..., Youtube destroys yet one more joke, Jeremy's new job on the show - "Pop Culture Analyst", Spencer should never do facebook while on meds, Jeremy gets a job at J.C. Penny's, 2 Jessica's talking - show me your wand, the wienie practical joke, Football, Shamestick with a stick, shit movies are out, The Hobbit 2 - the Desolation of Smog, Mom and Dad's musical choice for traveling, Pop Culture - What Does the Fox Say?, Jeremy's summer job.]]

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