Vicis Interimo: 30 Mins to Kill

Vicis Interimo; 30 minutes to kill
What lies in the spaces between and what invisible lines tie things together? If you have 30 minutes to kill let us help! A brief podcast review about a ‘horror’ movie, books and other junk. If you love H.P Lovecraft, Stephen King, Dean Koontz and Clive Barker, download to our podcast. If you will watch any movie as long as it has a good story, download to our podcast. If you enjoy philosophy, magic, religion, myth, download to our podcast.
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Episode 241: Carrie (2013) Vicis Intrerimo

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We are back with a new episode and this time its personal! (Sort of, we each talk a little about growing up 'outsiders', but in very different ways.) Carrie 2013 is the movie we talk about this time around. Also we hit the movies we missed last podcast, Robocop and I,Frankenstein. For our Crawling Chaos we settled on Pintrest and talked a little about Lori's stores on Ebay and Etsy. Carrie Official Trailer #1: Heroes Reborn - Ahead: Saving the Future American Horror Story: Hotel - First Look Want to check out our eBay store, 'Bag End Treasures'?
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