
Eight Hour Lunch - Society

I've reached a point in my online experience where I've discovered I prefer being a content producer more than a consumer. Sure, I enjoy myself when I visit someone else's site. But when I create, it’s different. I have to internalize it and make it mine. Not only do I almost always learn something, I end up with something tangible to show for my effort. The joy this has given me seems more lasting and genuine.

So why do I blog and podcast? First and foremost is the creative angle of it. I enjoy writing, creating the music and just putting the whole thing together. My original intent was to create a site that reflected my dozens of creative and recreational interests. I think I've done that to a certain extent, but it has been more subtle than I originally intended.

I do all the graphic design, writing, photography, programming, recording, editing, instruments and so on. It seems to be the one place I can focus my unwillingness to focus--if that makes any sense. The technical challenge is part of it too, I suppose.

The volume of intelligent and sincere praise from the people that continue to visit the site have been icing on the cake. I love that I’m generally understood, and that being logical doesn’t make me the last of a dying breed.

Mormonism has often been the focus of my work here because for so much of my life that's all I've known. Even so, I'd like the podcast to grow to address issues with other religions, quackery and hocus-pocus. That's where I'm really excited. I hope that I'll be able to get some good interviews in the future that will help me to grow in knowledge of the world around me.

I truly believe that we're at a critical point in history where clear thought finally has a decent shot at suppressing the irrational. I hope I'm right about that.