
A New Enlightenment with Paula Muran - Religion

Join host Paula Muran’s A New Enlightenment Hour for stimulating and candid conversations on how to be a happy, healthy and self-empowered. Transform your core beliefs, free your mind and happiness and enlightenment are available. Beliefs along with emotional and mental patterning stop you from living the life you want. Paula reveals cutting edge and new ways to live an empowered life- instead of looking at the world as bad or negative learn to look at the world with opportunity and healing.“A New Enlightenment” radio show offers inspiration and hope on your journey. Paula takes your questions. Find her, twice a month, 1st & 3rd Thursday at 7:00 pm PST.
emotional healing, instant emotional healing, emotions, Paula Muran, enlightenment, be happy, self-empowered, self-mastery, worthy, healing