Greta Gerwig stars as Maggie, a young woman in New York who wants to have a baby, but not deal with having a man in her life. She seems to have found the perfect sperm donor in Guy, a pick...
The Principled Uncertainty Podcast - Games / Video Games
Ep 230 -- XBox None
Jeremy (@lopezradio) joins the podcast to discuss his decision to forgo the console wars at this point in time. He was thinking of buying an XBox One but decided to hold off. We discuss why.
We also talk about the Rousey-Holm neck kick. As is always the case when Jeremy is on, the podcast goes into deeply uncharted territory, and the duo discusses plenty of brain-stretching topics.
Check out Lopez Radio on the site or elsewhere online. Dude has a corner on the MMA market right now, so if you're interested in hearing commentary on people kicking the hell out of one another, Lopez Radio's the place to go.
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