
Security Now (Video-LO) - Tech News


Steve Gibson, the man who coined the term spyware and created the first anti-spyware program, creator of Spinrite and ShieldsUP, discusses the hot topics in security today with Leo Laporte. Winner of the 2009 and 2007 people's choice award for best Technology/Science podcast.
Records live at every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.

SN 551: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 230

1 month ago

Security Now

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Steve Gibson

Encryption - dispute or dispute? A specific IoT nightmare example, BleepingComputer gets sued and asks for help, a new and horrifying DDoS attack amplifier, Microsoft pushes Windows 10 even harder and Steve answers your questions!

We invite you to read our show notes.

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For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site:, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6.

Bandwidth for Security Now is provided by Cachefly.

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