In Episode 09 of Mayhem Mics we are continuing something awesome! Well something awesome just got even more awesome! Mayhem Mics is becoming it’s own brand under TWIG and GCRN. Welcome to the...
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Mayhem Mics – EP 09 – Roadblocking Wrestlemania 32
4 days ago
In Episode 09 of Mayhem Mics we are continuing something awesome! Well something awesome just got even more awesome! Mayhem Mics is becoming it's own brand under TWIG and GCRN. Welcome to the NEW DAY for MAYHEM MICS! TFG1Mike BirdmanDodd and Ryan The UnEvenFlow are your TRIPLE THREAT into the world of WWE. This time around we talk about Mike's trip to Roadblock, and we talk about the lead up to Wrestlemania 32. Then we give our predictions on how WM 32 will hopefully end up! So tune into us and listen as we tear the rumble a new hole! Let us know what you think of this new type of GCRN-TWIG episode and as always "LOWER YOUR SHIELDS, AND SURRENDER YOUR LISTENERSHIP because we want to "UNLEASH THE GEEK IN YOU!" Geeks Mike "TFG1" Blanchard Mike "The Birdman" Dodd Ryan "The UnEvenFlow" Merkley Subscribe to us using iTunes or use any other podcatching client by using: Download MMICS_EP009.mp3
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