
The Sunshine Happy Kpants Hour

A show filled with indie music, movie talk, random ramblings and sometimes a little insight. ENJOY!
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The Sunshine Happy Kpants Hour - ep 182

6 months ago
ep 182 - 'Smashing Pumpkins' This week, the Pumpkins will be Smashing! Topics include: the Smashing Pumpkins, failing at art, what's with action films and my top 13 actions films EVER! Grab your 45 and Enjoy! Songs played this week: 1) Pissant by Smashing Pumpkins 2) Hummer by Smashing Pumpkins 3) United States by Smashing Pumpkins 4) Rhinoceros by Smashing Pumpkins 5) Drown by Smashing Pumpkins 6) Real Love by Smashing Pumpkins

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