
Get the Download - Tech / Podcasting

Great interviews with thought leaders in the downloadable media industry.

Interview with Tim Street of French Maid TV

7 years ago
There are few people in the online video world who have as deep and broad an understanding of the space as Tim Street. The man behind French Maid TV has a long list of "old school" media triumphs to his credit, and several years ago was among the very early group of people who saw the rise of online video and began exploring ways to best address the space. I credit Tim with helping me better understand the evolutionary cycle of online video, specifically in terms of how new technologies get folded into the mix. While munching happily on salads at a Burbank eatery, Tim and I spoke at length about the state of online video today. In particular we spent time discussing not just the basic challenge of monetizing but the bigger issue of how today’s content creators need to view their work in order to be successful. In this episode of ADM's Get the Download, Tim talks about the differences between sponsorship and advertising, the challenges of content ownership and how everyone doing online video should be building their content to be stolen.

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