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18: Captain Greg Bounds Interview

2 years ago
Greg Bounds is captain of the Goldhound, of the Gold Hound Treasure Divers company. Captain Bounds has worked some of the most renowned shipwreck discoveries in modern history, including the Atocha and Santa Margarita, both off Key West. Among other major finds in his career, Captain Bounds was responsible for discovering millions in treasures in a single day off the Santa Margarita. Those treasures included fine pearls, rare gold broaches, and over 30 feet of solid gold chains, all preserved for nearly 400 years in their sunken hiding spots. Bounds has spent the majority of his professional salver years as a Captain for the legendary Mel Fisher, considered the most successful sunken treasure hunter ever, before venturing out in search of his own legacy, which Bounds believes will be major discoveries from the 1715 Fleet. Captain Bounds found 48 gold coins worth $250,000 off the Turtle Trail Beach Access in Indian River Shores, Florida. Here is a link to the story:  Divers find $250,000 in gold coins among the wrecks of 11 Spanish ships that sank off Florida coast 300 years ago. Greg Bounds stayed in his truck during Hurricane Jeanne on the beach. While everyone else was evacuating the area Greg braved the storm and hit gold coins. Treasure the Hard Way. Captain Greg Bounds suffered the loss of his friend Jeff Croy during a Treasure Hunting Expedition off Corrigans Wreck. Captain Greg Bounds is currently working with his friend Dan Porter. Owner-Operator at Maritime Research and Recovery. They are working in Panama and finding plenty of treasure. This exciting new adventure puts the team in very challenging conditions. For  information about investing in this venture contact Dan Porter, dporterbwv on GMail.

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