
Happy Valley Speak Easy Podcast - Comedy

Comedy, Comedy Sketches, Pop Culture Commentary, News Commentary

HVSE Episode 17

[CDATA[Music that pisses off Hyrum, Spencer's not here, Kimball's about to go to Costa Rica, Florida woman stabs boyfriend after he crop dusts her, Google Glasses and porn, Kristi Teigen goes off on Teen Mom who did porn, Rod Stewart's penis shrank, Bea Arthur naked pic, Bing adds Klingon to thier translator, Jesus Jones, Hyrum will be impressed with Bing when it can translate into Gallifreyan, remake of Cosmos coming, Angelina Jolie and her knob knocking: jokes by Hyrum, drug and prostitution in a rest home, gay bats and Twilight, is America cursed?, Jodi Arias, World War II weapon to be displayed in museum in Chicago, middle east hacking, Kimball had a sick kid all weekend, and he's a Webelos leader, Kimball's baby pooped all over him, Florida mayoral candidate says he was endorsed by Jesus, Spencer was missing to do to his son's choir concert, 'Graduation' in Elementary school, local school district lets the kids screw off the whole last week of school, David Beckham retiring from soccer, Hyrum caught up in a family feud, Kimball forcing himself not to be sarcastic when around his wife, pickle marks, Kimball likes going through the exit (at Disneyland), Hyrum and a fat man getting food at a gas station, rich families from New York hiring mentally challenged at Disney World, Hyrum's mentally challenged neighbors, Hyrum's neighbors in Ivins, Kimball's experience in Ivins, Santa Clara stories, Mom shows up and talks about work, Hyrum shows Mom Bea Arthur, we start talking about ghost stories and theaters accidents, sexual overtones to Kimball's accident, Kimball is like Tobias Funke, Hyrum missed an opportunity to completely screw with Kimball when he had amnesia. We're visited by Vickie, Mom and Dad.]]

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