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Poddirectory is a free podcast app that doesn't require any downloads. Hit the play button to the right of an episode and start listening immediately. Join us to save your progress and follow your favorite podcasts.
[CDATA[ Happy Valley Speak Easy Episode 15. Red Hot Chili Peppers, KISS FM and Rick Dees, Breaking and Entering, Favorite Comic Book Hero s (Spencer: Batman, Kimball: Spider Man 2099, Jeremy: Dare Devil Hyrum: Green Lantern - only the rebirth character), Favorite Comic Book Team (Spencer: Excalibur, Kimball: any X-Men with Wolverine, Hyrum: Justice League - Tower Of Babel storyline), The History of Comics, Hyrum's Comic Book Idea: "The Go Tards", "Tad And Bink", Robot Chicken and Dane Cook, Hyrum's reading of a Sorority letter as the "Church Chick", Hyrum's discussion of Nicki Minaj, Tijuana Bestiality show, Overweight teen suing Rachael Ray, Biggest Looser, Jillian Michaels, Ryan Seacrest (he brought us the Kardashians), LA County requires porn to use condoms, Court hearings for man who had his wife chop off his penis (she's going for an insanity plea), Hyrum stands for woman's clits, Politics with Jeremy: Background check proposal got shut down by the Senate, Getting tired of hearing about Boston, Jeremy has prom (Hyrum's gives Jeremy dating advise), Kimball's tortured with the Rocky series, Hyrum's teenage years on IRC, Hyrum couldn't have friends in high school, Hackers and Social Engineering, Charlie Sheen, Politics with Jeremy Part 2: Immigration Bill (Jeremy's for it), Hyrum and Mexican drug lords, Revivals, Revenge on partiers, Britney Spears turns blue, Byron Scott, Greatest NBA Player: Kareem VS Wilt Chamberlain, Hyrum has a discussion about AIDS, some more high school band stories, anger management, greatest key tar solo ever, Ann Curry tortured, documentaries we had to watch, 11 dimensions, Dennis Miller started as a prop comic, Bad Vegas comedians, Amanda Bynes self pic tweets, Kitten and toy stories, hanging out old with old friends, Kevin Clash cleared of pedophile accusations, incest gay jokes, Tesla Coil Sweet Home Alabama. We're Visited By: Jeremy, Phebe, Vicky, Mom. Final score: Hyrum - 60, Spencer - 15, Kimball - 10]]
[CDATA[Kimball pisses off everyone right away with Enter Sandman, Kimball's acrophobia at the barn, Hyrum's harrowing family reunion (while Vicky is still in the middle of chemo) Red Iguana reduex ...
[CDATA[We start with Michael Land and the map theme from The Secret Monkey Island. No stain again. All 4 High Schools are in Salt Lake City for playoffs. Family is fun sucking vampires. Dad's new d...
[CDATA[ Happy Valley Speak Easy Episode 12. Confessions of Spencer, Hyrum molests Kimball due to his bad habits, New segment: politicians are dumn (including Charlie Rangel, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi...
[CDATA[We have a Happy Valley Speak Easy official Theme Song - and Spencer flubs the announcement (really?), we talk Taco Bell and their "meat", Missions suck..., Fiat takes over Dodge, The Muppets...
[CDATA[ Happy Valley Speak Easy Episode 13. Spencer loves Abba, Whitest group of all time, racism, Star Wars questions and local advertising, Mash, Jew jokes, Gay Marriage, Jeremy's lack of a girlf...
[CDATA['Some Kind Of Wonderful' screams for jazz hands, email us at [email protected], Vickie gets 6 months of chemo, Kimball's Father-In-Law died, Keano Reeves can't act (Kristen ...
[CDATA[Fat bastard screwed up Hyrum's open - Hyrum has stupid little kids who need to be taught how to play mind craft Jeremy likes it a lot, Hyrum meet THEE BRUCE CAMPBELL at Comicon in SLC and is...
[CDATA[ Happy Valley Speak Easy Episode 14. No one added Jeremy on facebook, kickstarter has started, Spencer ticked off some racers, Politics with Jeremy: Gun control (using Connecticut family for...