

TRUNEWS is the world’s leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview. Our vision is to build a global news network that provides a credible source for worldnews, events, and trends while giving respect and honor to Christians of all major denominations – Evangelical, Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, and Protestant. We believe Christians need and deserve their own global news network to keep the worldwide Church informed, and to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti-Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rick and Gator are in Ecuador to be with family during Christmas and New Year’s Day. Rick pre-recorded today’s edition of Trunews. Archbishop Foley Beach, newly installed leader of the conservative, Bible-believing Anglican Church of North America, talks with Rick about why he walked out of the apostate Episcopal Church when the denomination repudiated the Word of God. In Part 2, evangelist Mark Barclay tells Rick about a prophetic vision he saw in the 1980’s about extreme darkness and extreme light in the world simultaneously in the Last Days.

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