Mystical Musings

You are invited to join Myron McClellan and Lawrence Phillips for a monthly gathering of spiritual renewal in the company of the like-minded.

Mystical Musings is a celebration of the sacred that promotes growth and an evolution of consciousness. The musing doesn't present doctrine or dogma, but rather explores the mystical dimensions of life and spirituality that support you in connecting with the Divine.

Myron and Lawrence present a specific theme each month—an idea or issue that arises organically in their lives and in the lives of their colleagues, students, clients, and friends—and engage with this subject by touching on a range of spiritual traditions and creative explorations.

They lead inspiring meditation and easy movement, present improvisational music, offer homilies, read poetry, and infuse the proceedings with humor, sensuality, new insight, and wise counsel for honoring the body, expanding the mind, and tuning into the spirit. These monthly gatherings provide a contemporary expression of the spiritual impulse that resonates with people of good will everywhere.

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Mystic Halloween 2012

The Halloween-time of the year has for many centuries been considered a time when the veil between heaven and earth is very thin indeed. We can, it is said, most easily at this time access other dimensions of consciousness. This is an exciting time for mystics all over the world because we know that spiritual growth often involves moving into exalted states of awareness (other dimensions of consciousness) for transformational information and bringing it back to be used in everyday life. In 2012 we focus particularly on the mystical dimension of Positive Expectancy, especially for the collective Birthing of the Winter Solstice but also for our personal healing, learning and transformation amid the turbulence and peace of this profoundly changing time.