E3C: The Passionate Entrepreneur

This program is for business owners and entrepreneurs who are passionate about their business and want to learn the principles and best practices for sales and profitability. I show companies how to leverage the web and technology to increase sales and profits! It is for people who want to build successful and profitable businesses! E3C stands for Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Evolution, Connect, Collaborate and Create Opportunities for all entrepreneurs! E3C ... Where People, Business and Opportunities Connect! Links: www.eWeb2Sales.com (company website), www.E3C.podomatic.com (podcast), www.eweb2sales.com/blog/ (blog) and www.E3CPassionateEntrepreneur.pbwiki.com (wiki) www.my-business-community.com (Business Community)
www.mybusinesscommunity.ning.com (Business Online Network) www.Twitter.com/KenE3C and www.Twitter.com/eWeb2Sales (Twitter)