BioGirl Health Show

0 Isn't "About Us" ...It’s About You!

As a woman, you face an enormous number of challenges, in life and in your every day. You work hard to meet the demands of your work and your family and wonder how anyone manages to balance the two, much less enjoy them.

You know you need to take care of your health, but there’s so much information out there that you barely have time to read it all, much less tell the difference between truth and great advertising.

You want to feel youthful and beautiful, but what the media defines as beauty seems so out of reach for you. You’re a real woman, not an airbrushed doll with a staff of stylists at your shoulders. is about putting aside all of the media hype and hyperbole and getting down to the true essence of beauty, which grows from the inside out, not the outside in. Real beauty doesn’t come from a brush or a tube or a spray. Real, lasting beauty comes from good health and a loving spirit. It comes from nourishing your body and nurturing your heart.

By filling your body with pure, organic, natural foods and ingredients, you give it everything it needs to make you shine in a way no cosmetic or airbrushing can. You will also have the energy and vitality you need to fully enjoy your life and all of its possibilities.

Through how to articles, blog posts and honest, candid reviews, brings together in one resource all of the most nutritious, most pure and most beneficial nutritional and beauty products available anywhere. is absolutely committed to helping you reach your fullest, most beautiful potential so that you can truly experience life rather than just get through it. When you feel energized, confident, beautiful and strong, you’re able to not only balance your life but love it.

Every woman deserves that.

About Carol

My name is Carol Newman and I truly believe that my life’s calling is to help women realize their full potential, achieve the best possible health and embrace their true beauty.

I live in the small farming community of Richmond, MI, where I live a life that is close to the land and as natural and organic as I can make it. Living here has been a large part of my lifelong pursuit of natural health and true beauty.

At the age of sixteen, I was compelled to learn as much as possible about how to be truly healthy. I wanted to know everything I could about natural health, natural healing and the nutrients and products that promote them. This journey of learning continued for years and continues even today.

Over the years, I’ve learned so much from natural health professionals such as Dr. Steven Sinatra and Dr. Julian Whitaker as well as other experts in natural health. As I began sharing what I learned with my friends and family, I realized that there is such a great need among women to know how to really take care of themselves and not only feel healthy and strong but beautiful as well. Helping to meet this need has become my mission and I couldn’t be more excited.

I deeply believe that a woman’s true beauty comes from being in the best of health. It comes from having the energy to fully engage in her own life. It comes from a kind spirit and a giving heart. I believe that a woman truly expresses her inner beauty through loving and helping those around her.

There isn’t a cosmetic in the world that can duplicate the glow and radiance of good health, self-confidence and a peaceful mind.

My goal is to help you find the best products for your health and for natural beauty. I want you to be able to fully enjoy your life and to feel truly beautiful while you do it.
I hope that your life will be so enriched by finding BioGirlHealth. Creating it has certainly enriched mine.